The things we do for love! That's a song title isn't it? If not it should be.
Scott and Michelle took their family to Disney World this past week and we volunteered to "dog-sit" their newest addition, Skipper. Skipper is a half chocolate lab and half Australian Shepherd and has a tail that is long and is all muscle!!! I nick-named him "Gonzilla" because of the way he would clear a room with his tail anywhere he went.

Because Skipper is still in the puppy stage Scott and Michelle made sure they brought an ample supply of raw-hide bones for him to chew. They warned me to keep all shoes out of his reach and anything else I valued (Michelle has lost all of her flip-flops this year). I obeyed the instructions and we didn't lose one thing all week! Penny, the Rat Terrier, seldom chews her raw-hide chews that I buy for her, but this week she never stopped chewing them. The only response we heard from her was a "grrrrr" anytime poor Skipper walked near her. He was a little afraid of her at the beginning of the week but by day three he did what we do and just ignored her.
Skipper really took a liking to Sidney and followed him everywhere! If Sidney went out to the garden, Skipper was there beside him. Skipper likes to stick his nose into every hole or new crevice he can find. He also likes to give big licks to those he loves. One morning as I was undressed, ready to step into the shower, I was the receiver of one of his big licks.....right on my bare bottom! He then laid down in the doorway until I exited the shower safely as if he had done his job.
By Saturday Skipper was showing signs of wearing out. He had run and played so much outside that he was ready for some sleep and sleep he did...almost the entire day! On Sunday, the day his family was returning, he again slept. I think he knew they were returning and he would need to get his strength back.
When Oli and Andrew came through the door Skipper met them with a huge lunge and a big lick. He knocked Oli to the floor and she giggled with glee! Skipper had his family back and his vacation to Grandma and Grandpas had ended. I'm sure he will want to come back to visit us again someday and me, I'll welcome him, tail and all.
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