Pulling Taffy |
It's always a pleasure to get to keep my grandbabies, even though they are not babies anymore! Oli, my youngest grandchild turned 6 in January and is officially not a baby in any way. I am so greatful for the time I'm allowed to spend with these favorite people.
Scott and Michelle made a trip to Memphis this weekend and grandpa and I got to be the designated caregivers from Friday to Saturday evening. Brea decided to come be part of the fun weekend (and I'm always happy to have her) to help with keeping order in my house ( I seem to let the messes get a little out of hand)!
We began with pizza. We moved on to making taffy, which is something I had been promising Brea to do for 15 years! Finally! We did it.
Watching Elephant Toothpaste Ooze |
Next we moved on to making glitter from salt and food coloring. Somehow our version didn't turn out as good as the ones shown on Pintrest.
Andrew and Brea Watching Science at Work |
Next we tried another science experiment, also from Pintrest, by making "Elephant Toothpaste". It was a little messy but lots of fun. The texture felt amazing.
The evening wound down with a bubble bath and popcorn. Then all three piled into one bed and played their DS's until lights out. There is nothing like a sleepover at the Holmans.